
Historian Beverly Gage on Her Rare Disease Diagnosis


Beverly Gage, Yale professor of American History and author, is more likely to be found on podcasts discussing her new (and wildly acclaimed) biography, “G-Man: J. Edgar Hoover and the Making of the American Century". But in 2019 her life took an unexpected turn, as a chance encounter with a plant kickstarted what turned out to be a rare disease that had – inexplicably – lain dormant for 40 years.  

She’s not just a zebra, as Beverly explains in her recent New Yorker article, she’s a zebra with polka dots.

Link to the article: “Nobody Has My Condition But Me

Kiran Musunuru

“Genome editing had to happen sometime,” says our guest Kiran Musunuru, MD, PhD, MPH, internationally recognized Crispr expert and Laura's colleague on the American Society of Human Genetics’ task force on human germline genome editing. Kiran was one of the first to see He Jiankui’s paper on the birth of twin girls after the in vitro editing of their CCR5 gene, courtesy of the Associated Press. We discuss what comes next, as the dust settles on one of the most important science news stories of 2018.

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